Mark Labberton 在 The Dangerous Act of Worship 討論許多敬拜的問題,他本人的核心問題是我們忘了神的慈愛與公義應要在「神與人」並「人與人」中彰顯。有時基督徒的敬拜太自我中心,只想著自己,有時忘了神,甚至根本沒有想到其他的人。 除此之外,他書中的第三章與第四章也提出了很好的反省。教會在設計崇拜(敬拜)的聚會時,常常擔心較次要的問題,而忽視了真正重要的問題,摘要如下: False Dangers Worship that's not under control. Worship that doesn't seem relevant. Worship that doesn't meet expectations. Worship that isn't popular. Worship that isn't comfortable. Real Dangers Encountering God. Worship that lies to God. Worship that lies about God. Worship that doesn't change us. Worship that doesn't change the world.
教會是世界的希望,而我要傳遞這個希望。 We live differently as Christ-followers to show an alternative way of life.