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Chinese Food

Last semester, I had an interesting discussion in my formation group. Each person needed to shared one worst or disgusting food he/she had ever eaten. My adviser said, "Fish eyeball." I was surprised and gave him an stunning face. Then I knew that something which is natural and right might be weird for other people.

(←) So, anyone knows what is this? It's "Pork Ear." I don't want to scare anybody. But it really tastes goo.
see more Chinese Food


Hui-ying said…
OH~Do I need to reply in english? It's tiring. Anyway, I don't like eggplant. It's very weird to me.
Steven Han said…
It's Ok. Maybe this summer I'll move my Chinese Blog all to here. 可以打中文的 XD
Hui-ying said…
OK~expect your new blog~