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In the beginning

Actually, we both have our individual blogs and web album. But it's written in Chinese for Chinese-reading people. One day our friend Elom told us, "your friends move on, you also need to move on." I think maybe it's a good idea writing blog in English for our friends in the U.S..

You can also visit:
    Steven's Chinese Blog
    Eltice's Chinese Blog
    Our web album (maybe we'll switch to other place this summer)


Eltice Lin said…
yap..maybe we should do it.
Hui-ying said…
yes, and when I want to practice english, I will visit your english blog.
PD said…
I had this thinking before. Then one day I figured that my blog is my blog. I should write in the language that I feel most comfortable and not what makes others comfortable. Good luck with your experiment!
Steven Han said…
I'll think about it. Maybe I'll make it bilingual, Chinese and English. And put "tag" on each article