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A Mac User Should Know ...

用 Mac 是不可以有英文死懼症的,因為你可能有很多的軟體會不能用,所以如果你是個中文使用者,試試看我寫的不標準英文吧!

I know that many users switch from PC to Mac. You might suffer some differences and say, "Mac is not as good as other people say." You probably need to know: ##CONTINUE##
  1. Mac is not better than PC. It depends on how you use it.
  2. Microsoft Office for Mac is not totally compatible with PC version. Remember to adjust some tiny disorder, especially on the layout. Don't try to use Powerpoint on Mac, it's a disaster.
  3. Using iLife and iWork for most of your jobs. They are all integrated perfectly well.
  4. The web browser, Safari, is the best browser on Mac. Although some may argue that Firefox is safer and powerful, I just want to tell you that try to open the same web page with pictures and different fonts, especially Chinese. Then you'll make your decision.
  5. You can type Greek & Hebrew easily because it's a unicode system.
  6. Apple Quick Tip of the Week. It's useful even though you think you know Mac a lot. Watch it on the website or subscribe the podcast.
The following is for Chinese users:
  1. As a Chinese User, you have to deal with the Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Go to "Services(服務)" -> "ChineseTextConverter(中文文本轉換服務程序)", you can easily handle these two type of Chinese.
  2. Using Mac Mail application with a Yahoo Taiwan or Hotmail Taiwan account is not wise. You'll find no one can read you mail, or you can't others'. The solution is, "get another e-mail account."
  3. You can have English-Chinese dictionary, like Dr.Eye. It's called TranslateIt!. See discussions on Mobile01.
I don't actually introduce how to make it. If you want, you can ask ans I'll tell you.


Anonymous said…
大鵬 Paul said…
大鵬 Paul said…
Steven Han said…
請看側邊欄「Other Article」裡面的「輕鬆擴充 blogger 功能」那篇文章。
大鵬 Paul said…

大鵬 Paul said…
我安裝了阿土伯的插件,後來我也去裝了回應程式產生器,但我發現跟你的"最新回應"的介面還是不太一樣,你可以把你的HTML/JavaScript 給我嗎?

Steven Han said…
大鵬 Paul said…