聖經的經文,我們應以如此地角度來看 太太說看不懂我在寫什麼,要補充一下。 當我們在讀聖經時,第一個問題通常是:「這是什麼意思?」每一段經文都應該有它自己的「原意」,也就是該卷書成書時,聖靈透過作者所留下給當時的人的信息,他們可以明白的概念,在當時有其獨特且唯一的意指。而當我們把經文連結到我們自己,或是其他的事件時,就代表它的意義,而意義就可以衍申出更多了。 Meaning (原意): is that which is represented by a text; it is what the author meant by his use of a particular sign sequence; it is what the signs represent. - E. D. Hirsch is that which is represented by a text; its grammar, and the author's truth-intentions as indicated by his use of words. - Walter C. Kaiser Jr. Toward an Exegetical Theology, p. 32 Significance (意義): on the other hand, names a relationship between that meaning and a person, or a conception or a situation. - E. D. Hirsch merely denotes a relationship between (note well, it must be linked) that meaning and another person, time, situation, or idea. - Walter C. Kaiser Jr. Toward An Exegetical Theology, p.32 舉例來說,有名的經文以賽亞書 7:14 “因此,主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子,給他起名叫 以馬內利 。”當 以賽亞 對 亞哈斯 說這句話時,並且被記載在以賽亞書,對亞哈斯及特別是當時讀者是有原意的。並不是簡單一句話「這預言耶穌」就可以帶過的。
教會是世界的希望,而我要傳遞這個希望。 We live differently as Christ-followers to show an alternative way of life.